Saturday, May 21, 2011

This week so far.....

Having to deal with, having my department moved to the other side of the floor, and having to share the space with more associates than is necessary....has definitely been a challenge.
Talking about it with others has been amusing, to say the least.
A funny vision was put in my head during one of these conversations. "Come to work in character" was said, to make things seem funnier. (Thanks for that comment BTW it's been amazing to play with in my mind.) I will have to draw out some of the things I've been imagining. LOL! As I have quite the imagination, it's been hilarious.
I'll tell ya this. A samurai has made an appearance, and so has a cowgirl, and a ninja. LOL!
I'm sure I could even think of more, and they'd be funny....but these have been enough for now.
Well I guess I will work on cartooning those visions...hopefully they will end up being funny!

1 comment:

  1. bwah ha ha ha ............yeah, but for me i usually show up as one of the seven dwarfs - lets see...........grumpy, helpy, sweetie, toughy, meanie, etc........
