Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm thinking.....

.....that I might need to explain my name choice. Well the Korean person that I used to be...(silly grin)... in a past life...yearned for a Korean name. I chose "Hyun Ae" is a compilation of "wise", "clever", and "Loving". Which is, the kind of person I strive to be. So there's that part of it.  The "blind girl" part of it has nothing to do with me being blind. I'm not blind in a literal sense. There are a few things that you can say I am "blind" to...so I guess in an abstract way it works out! The reason I decided to put up "blind girl" is; My name. My real first name. "Sheila" apparently has a few meanings. The two of which I found online. In latin it meant "blind", and in Irish it meant "girl" or "young woman". Which is odd in a way, since my mom and I both remember it meaning "beloved" some years ago.  Anyway.
So there you have it!
Am I boring you yet? LOL!

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