Monday, September 12, 2011

Today so far.....Yeeesh!

I'm not sure wether I have a cold, or just super severe allergies right now, but I feel terrible. Got the congestion, both nasal and chest...and I sound like a pack a day smoker...which isn't the reason I sound like one cuz I don't smoke!!!!!! (Well not anymore anyway. ;p )
Regardless of the fact that I feel like garbage, I still have to go to work. :( *sigh* I'm just hoping at this point that I can survive the day.
It shouldn't be all that busy...I don't think there is a sale going on today...but I guess it could still get busy.
I've been working on some oil pastel pictures and also some sketches as well..Hopefully I will have some new works to share with everyone! LOL!
I guess that's all for now!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gotta go to work! 9/09/11

Well, I wonder how today will go...
I know I will get to work with a couple of cool peeps today, so that's a positive outlook.
Trying to stay positive these days.
Also trying to be a bit more competitive...but it's gonna take some getting used to.
Just gotta keep those inner ninjas and stuff in check...
I'm sure the retail store I work for wouldn't appreciate so much bloodshed over trivial....yet increasingly annoying....goings on.
I dunno if that made sense! -_-
oh well...XD

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to Blogging!!!! XD

I just realized that lots of things have changed since I started this blog.
One of those things is...
I'm not headed into a new job, or going to school just yet.
I'm kinda still working on choosing a major/career path. 
Waiting to be hired on at a certain company right now also. 
Now is the time to work as much as I can,
and come up with as much money as I can in whatever way I can.
Drowning in debt is not a good thing.
I have ideas...I just need support! :)
I'm starving! o.O
No...literally! And my fish is I'ma go eat now
 c-ya! ;p

Out with the old and in with the new! :)

Of course there are always going to be struggles and bumps in the road of life! That's life!
Sorry to those of you who do care about my posts...I haven't been on in a while...but I'm back and I'm ready to do more damage!
As Hyun Ae, I will be doing a lot of things now. Be prepared for a lot of K-pop/asian pop appreciation, and some random art and thoughts! :)

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today's featured artist! 2NE1! Yeah!

Ok! So this stunning quartet is known as 2NE1. They are a very popular group in Korea, and they are working their way into the American market as well. Recently, Will I Am of the Black Eyed Peas took an interest in them after seeing one of their music videos, and they have begun the process of creating songs in English featuring Will I Am! (I am soooooo excited about this XD!!!!) They come from the same entertainment company as BIGBANG, which is YG Entertainment. They have been called the "girl version" of BIGBANG before, and in some ways they are.
Their style ranges, but remains on the edgy side. One of the members is considered the "Less attractive"one. (Which is outrageous! .\/. Minzy is very cute! And so is Daesung! Stop saying these things you meanies!)
They have that awesome edgy sound that BIGBANG has also!
They are simply awesome!
They have a few great songs already out there. A newer one called "Lonely" has been running through my head. Their first album had a few big hits. "Fire", "I don't care", and "Pretty boy". Their break out song was Lollipop, which they sang with BIGBANG.
Since they debuted, they have done a lot. I'm continually impressed with them!
So get to know them! They will be worth it!
Below are some more pics and I will introduce you to the individuals as well in the pics below.

This lovely lady is the leader of the group. She is called C.L. but her name is Lee, Chae Rin.

This little cutie is Dara, which is short for Sandara. (Park Sandara.) She used to be an actress in the Phillipines, but moved back to Korea, and worked very hard to become a member of this group.

This beautiful woman is Park Bom....Yes her name is Bom. She had been singing with the members of BIGBANG before she became a member of the group 2NE1. She's known as the "Pretty" one.

Last but not least is Minzy. (Gong Minzy) She was noticed as a dancer, but has also excelled in singing. Known as the "ugly" one of the group...(MEANIES!) She's highly talented, and I think she's very pretty! (So there!)

Well that's all I have for now!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Time for something new!

And I wish I knew what that was exactly.
I wanna do a new feature on an artist, but I'm like......stuck.
It will have to be on Rain (aka Bi in korean)
Maybe a feature on popular girl group 2NE1. (Looooove them)
I could do one on BEAST....also much love.
I just don't know!!!!!!!

Anyway...I'll figure something out...and I should get it posted by tomorrow!


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today's featured artist! BIGBANG!!!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen! This is BIGBANG!
This group of diverse yet amazing young men, is one of my most favorite groups of all time!
I spent some time doing solo features on each individual from the group, but the way they started out, is just how you see them now. This is how I fell in love with them.
The first song of theirs I had ever heard was a song called "Haru Haru" which means day by day. The song is epic, and sad. "Day by day, I become more dull." is part of the chorus of the song.
After that I went all over youtube, watching their vidoes, and I loved all of them!
All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but what they have in common is dedication. YG brought these guys together, and he did a great job in choosing the guys for the group! All of their passion for what they do is evident in everything they have accomplished. Watching them perform their songs on stage is every bit as entertaining and satisfying as watching their music videos. They're a real treat!
I strongly suggest to anyone out there to check these guys out!
From their outrageous fashion choices, hair included (LOL), to the songs they put together they are completely entertaining!
For starters I would suggest listening to Haru Haru
Other good songs of theirs are...
Make Love -english version
Lollipop featuring 2ne1
Gara Go
Tell me Goodbye
Sunset Glow
And these are just a few of my personal favs of theirs.
Enjoy the pics!