Monday, September 12, 2011

Today so far.....Yeeesh!

I'm not sure wether I have a cold, or just super severe allergies right now, but I feel terrible. Got the congestion, both nasal and chest...and I sound like a pack a day smoker...which isn't the reason I sound like one cuz I don't smoke!!!!!! (Well not anymore anyway. ;p )
Regardless of the fact that I feel like garbage, I still have to go to work. :( *sigh* I'm just hoping at this point that I can survive the day.
It shouldn't be all that busy...I don't think there is a sale going on today...but I guess it could still get busy.
I've been working on some oil pastel pictures and also some sketches as well..Hopefully I will have some new works to share with everyone! LOL!
I guess that's all for now!

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